We’ve canvassed, we’ve converted our grannies, we’ve tweeted and Facebooked endlessly and it has all come to this…
On May 22, we will be asked to vote in the same-sex marriage referendum and also to lower the age of presidential candidates. Don’t let the months of hard work go to waste just because you didn’t double check the rules and regulations. Every vote counts.
Make sure to read these points carefully, and vote YES on Friday, May 22.
Plan in advance – make sure you know exactly where your polling station is located, and pick a convenient time to go and cast your vote. All info is on checktheregister.ie .
Know how you will get to your polling station. Hailo are offering free taxi rides to stations on the day.
Bring a form of photo ID and your ballot paper to the polling station on May 22. If you have not received your ballot paper in the post due to a backlog caused by an influx of newly registered voters (YAY!) then don’t fret. Head down to your polling station with a valid photo ID and proof of address and they will sort you out.
Concentrate! Read the ballot paper very carefully.
Polling stations are a canvassing-free zone. That means you CANNOT wear your Yes badges, T-shirts, stickers and other paraphernalia.

No photos, selfies included. It’s an offence to breach the secrecy of the ballot and if you are caught, you may have your vote removed.
Don’t write anything other than an ‘X’ when casting your vote. That means no ticks, numbers or circles. Just an ‘X’.
- Sample ballot paper. Make sure to mark your vote with an X only.
Goes without saying, that you can not leave any messages or words of encouragement on your ballot paper or you will spoil your vote. No smiley faces either, lads.
Polling stations are open between 7AM and 10PM on Friday, May 22.
Make your vote count.
© 2015 GCN (Gay Community News). All rights reserved.
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