The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been accused of promoting gay stereotyping following it’s report published last week, which urged gay men to use antiretroviral drugs as an additional method of HIV prevention.
The report told how men who have sex with men are 19 times more likely to contract HIV than the general population. WHO’s Dr Gottfried Hirnschall suggested that pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) be used as an additional method of preventing HIV infection together with the use of condoms and regular testing.
Journalists such as The Telegraph’s Patrick McAleenan believe that the organisation’s move could seriously risk stigmatising gay men and described it as a step backwards, saying “I fear it may encourage straight people to believe that HIV is simply a gay problem”.
“Worryingly, this latest recommendation does nothing to dispel the myth that all gay men are promiscuous, irresponsible or ignorant and regularly play Russian roulette with their sexual health”, the journalist continued.
McAleenan went to say that whilst he was not against the use of anti-retroviral drugs, educating people on how to use the most cost-effective and side-effect free condoms would be a better idea, concluding with the statement, “The World Health Organisation appears to have created a situation with a very clear winner (drugs companies) and a very clear loser (gay men)”.
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