A former member of the Westboro Baptist Church has posed for the NOH8 anti-homophobia campaign, five years after she left the church.
Libby Phelps, granddaughter of the late Westboro founder Fred Phelps, left the notoriously homophobic organisation in 2009. From the age of eight years old until her departure from the church, she would regularly picket the funerals of US soldiers and attend anti-gay protests while holding signs with slogans like “God Hates Fags”.
In 2013, she told Anderson Cooper, “In the moment, I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought the only way to love your neighbor was to tell them that their sins were taking them to hell.”
Now, Phelps is an advocate for LGBT rights. She took part in photographer Adam Bouska’s now world famous NOH8 campaign. Celebrities that have previously supported the campaign include Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Josh Hutcherson and Idina Menzel.
Phelps tweeted her NOH8 picture yesterday with the caption, “The message is simple: No hate. We want people to be happy, healthy and hopeful.”
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