Calling All Queers And Pals: Take Part In A Photo Shoot And Feature In GCN!

We want to feature members of the LGBT+ community and their friends in our upcoming Pride issue, here's how to get featured.


‘We Are Family’ is the theme chosen for this year’s Dublin Pride celebrations. Pride will celebrate family in all shapes and forms and we want to feature those families in our Pride issue.

Speaking of this years theme, Grand Marshal of Dublin Pride, Sara Philips said: “I’m delighted that that’s the theme Pride has chosen this year because, without family, I don’t think many of us would have survived. Whatever way that family looks, in whatever shape or form, I think it’s very much part of who we are.

“I’ve also spoken very regularly to the people within support groups in the trans community. The people within these groups are very much our family because we also form our own families. They don’t have to be blood-related, they don’t have to be relatives as such, but we form those families in different ways and they’re so important for our support.”

We want to document queer people and their friends they consider family. This could be any group you have, maybe you grew up together, maybe you travelled the world with them or maybe you don’t see them as much as you’d like but when you do nothing has changed.

You will get to take part in a fabulous photo shoot and your photo and story will appear in the pages of one of GCN’s most anticipated editions, the Pride issue.

If this sounds like something you would like to be part of, please send us a short blurb about you and your group of friends to [email protected] or fill out the form below!


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