Marvel Comics creator, Stan Lee, has said that he won’t be creating a gay superhero any time soon. Before you form an angry mob, hear him out…
Speaking to, the 92 year-old writer behind iconic characters like Spider-man, X-Men, Captain America and The Hulk said, “I don’t think it’s necessary to have every type of person in the world in the stories,” but also admitting that he wouldn’t even know where to start.
“That’s something that I can’t write about that much because I don’t know that much about it,” Lee explained. “You know what I mean? I can write about things I know about.”
However, Lee says that he would consider it if that’s what the fans wanted. “It never occurred to me, frankly,” Lee admitted. “If there’s suddenly an overwhelming desire on the part of public to have a gay hero, then I would probably try to write one. But, until you mentioned it now, it never occurred to me.”
That’s fair enough. Besides, while not created by Lee himself, Marvel Comics depicted the first gay wedding in any comic.
In 2012, the first openly gay Marvel superhero, Northstar came out of the closet in the ’90s, and married his partner Kyle on the cover of Astonishing X-Men #51 in 2012.
Want to see more queer superheroes? Check out our TOP 5.
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